Lives of the needy
Being needy in Uganda can in simple terms be referred to as lacking access to all the essentials of life. Starting from food, education, health care, shelter, and so on. Which makes the needy vulnerable in society to keep depending on the support from a few willing people.
The needy involve the poor orphans, elderly, sick, disabled who cannot walk, talk, listen. Poverty inflicted people, street children who feel that they cannot live nor have a better life without depending on others.
They tend to face so many challenges including deprivation of their rights, violence, hunger, isolation. And sometimes death which calls for urgency to help them.
There are different previews about the needy in Uganda depending on their needs. The way people look at orphans is not the same way they look at the poverty-inflicted people since their needs vary from time to time. Though both are under-looked by society and equally need our support.
Sorely, the needy people in Uganda are often isolated by the community. The appearance makes them bound to discrimination from society that deprives them of their rights and freedom.
The largest percentage of the needy population in Uganda is the poverty affected. Who has no or less access to the basic needs of life like food, shelter, clothing, and above everything, education for innocent children? These people are normally looked at as a failure, a burden to society and government. Society looks at them as criminals and never considered them when it comes to decision-making.
What has been done to help the lives of the needy?
Ugandan government and non-governmental organizations have come up with strategies to address the problems of the needy. Through sensitization that defend their rights and also empower programs meant to lift them from such conditions. Like financial accessibility, free education, and many others.
Social media can be another way to help needy people have a change of life. This is a form of networking that allows connection with different people from different countries. Either friends, relatives, companies, charity organizations that can donate, sponsor and empower needy people.
Power of Media
Through Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. One can create awareness about the problems of the needy. And this can be done by making simple posts of current situations of the needy which may capture the hearts of those that view them hence run to rescue them in different ways.
So, article writing can be another way to change lives via social media. These articles can reach a big platform. Hence raising concern for the need to help needy people through donations and fundraising thus changing their lives.
Using social media can enable one to capture the biggest audience, that is to say, the executives and this can be achieved through constant posting to increase the visibility and concern to the needy hence helping them to change their lives.
By partnering with media influencers, one can change so many lives of the needy. This can be done through posting content that can inspire them to join you in the running campaigns to help the needy people have better lives.
Nevertheless, going viral on social media can be another way of changing the lives of the needy. One can de campaign against evil acts like discrimination, torture, child abuse via social media which can by chance change the way people look at the needy in society and call for better treatment with no discrimination.
Let us adequately use these social media handles including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to change the lives of the needy people in Uganda. By soliciting aid, sponsorship, and donations to the needy as well showing the masses the need to protect this group of people. Because they are equally humans like any other in the world who just need our support.
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