


Meaning of love.

Love is kind, patient, not proud. love is long-suffering, forgiving, and beautiful. It is a beautiful thing to be loved and a mighty thing to love. It is even more powerful to dare to love the unlovable. It has been said that “No man is an island.” to means that no man is perfect. It takes grace to love an imperfect being, but the world we live in is full of them. As every day, different individuals strive towards perfection. It takes guts for anyone to love someone who may not be able to sing their praises or pay them back with interest, but we must dare.

Disabled people

Many disabled people in society and victims of abuse have been treated as outcasts. Receiving awkward looks whenever they appear in public, they are treated as burdens and avoided whenever there are calls for the public to support them. They are denied opportunities because they are deemed incapable, and judged based on their appearance and not their ability to make a positive contribution. No one becomes disabled by choice or wishes for misfortune to befall them, but the imperfect people who feign perfection are the main contributors to the troubles these people face. No one gets raped because they want to. No one loses a limb in an accident because they wish to. No one is born physically impaired by choice. If we could all decide what we looked like, then the world would be flawless. So we must learn to dare to love all,

Embrace all people.

We should accept everyone and make room in our hearts for the least of them to find love. Dare to make a difference in society by treating a disabled person as an equal. Yes, they require extra care and affirmative action, but we must know that they are capable of achieving given the platform and opportunity. Dare to love the victims of abuse by accepting them into society. Stigma can kill faster than a disease because it prompts the stigmatized to many times take their lives. Dare to love those who are different from you, respecting the fact that they are differently-abled but together, we are capable of making an immense difference.

No one is unlovable, it is just a mentality. Everyone should be loved it is a command. Mark 12:31 “The second is this: Love your neighbor as you.” There is no commandment greater than these. dare to love.

Show your love by donating and sponsoring an orphan to provide them with basic needs.

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